NIHA Kiana Modular Homes
The contract with Northwest Iñupiat Housing Authority (NIHA) consisted of five residential modular homes. NANA Construction designed, fabricated, shipped and installed the homes in the community of Kiana. This included offloading, installing on post and pad foundations, final connections and finishing the homes on-site. There were five 24′ x 50′ four-bedroom, one-bathroom homes. All homes were outfitted with VCT tile flooring throughout, Blaze King Princess wood stoves, fuel oil boilers and water heaters with radiant baseboard heat.

This project consists of 11 truck-able modules ranging from 20’ x 40’ to 20’ x 80’ and from 30 to 90 tons. Included are structural steel and pipe fabrication, steel and pipe coatings, electrical and instrumentation installation, HVAC installation, fire suppression installation, architectural insulated panel and pipe insulation installation. NANA Construction has provided materials management of all client provided and company procured-materials and has previously shipped two completed modules to the Alpine Oilfield and will store the remaining nine truck-able modules at our facility until next year’s ice road season.

BP Drilling & Wells 12×40 8 PSI BRMs
This contract consisted of the design, engineering and fabrication of five (8 PSI) blast-resistant modules for the drilling and wells group in Prudhoe Bay. The modules were fabricated using NANA Construction’s blast design, which meets or exceeds 911 spec, this project is a great example of a turnkey design build. Structural, electrical, architectural and insulation scopes of work were all performed by NANA Construction. RT and HVAC were the only subcontracted activities.

BP GC2 LPS Discharge Module Fabrication
The scope of work for this project involved the fabrication of modules from the ground up. Job specific details include; receipt, OS&D, inventory and storage of owner supplied materials, chemical cleaning and treatment contaminated SS piping and abrasive blasting, epoxy coating and 323i scotch coating. NANA Construction’s team also performed structural steel and pipe fabrication, electrical installation and heat trace, architectural siding installation and structural steel coatings, overall resulting in a CQPM turnover documentation.

Teck Red Dog Value Improvement Project 2
Assembled a capital project team to complete the first phase of the Teck Red Dog VIP2. This project included demolition and relocation of systems and components inside the mill. The project opened space for new milling equipment to increase product throughout and extend mine life expectancy.

Red Dog 162 Bed Camp Fabrication/Installation
This 162-bed camp expansion design, fabrication and installation project included the upgrade and installation of new support utilities. The project consisted of 132 modules transported via barge to Red Dog Mine. Installation included dormitories, mill dry and food storage areas and housed two separate elevators in a three-story configuration. Site work included remodeling and expanding existing kitchen, dining and laundry areas, water treatment and waste treatment plants, construction management and contractor officers, materials warehouse and contractor fabrication buildings.